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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - symbol


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка symbol на русский


1) символ

а) знак

б) условный знак; условное обозначение; графическое обозначение

в) вчт. идентификатор

г) образ; отображение

д) эмблема

2) представлять в символической форме; применять символическую запись; использовать символ(ы); использоваться в качестве символа

3) использовать условные знаки или условные обозначения; использоваться в качестве условного знака или условного обозначения

symbol of operatorabstract symbolactive symboladditional symboladmissible symbolaiming symbolalgebraic symbolalpha symbolalphabetic symbolalphanumeric symbolannotation symbolauxiliary symbolbarred symbolbasic symbolblinking symbolBoolean symbolbuilt-up symbolcell alphabet symbolcheck symbolchecking symbolChristoffel symbolcommand symbolcomposite symbolconnector symbolcontrol symboldecision symboldefinable symboldelta symboldelta Kronecker symbolderivative symboldigital symboldiode symbolsdollar sign symboldotted symboleuro sign symbolexternal symbolflowchart symbolflowcharting symbolfunctional symbolfundamental symbolgeneralized symbolgenerating symbolgraphical symbolgrouping symbolHermann-Mauguin symbolsillegal symbolinformation symbolinput/output symbolinternational crystallographic symbolsKronecker symbolsLevi-Civita symbolsliteral symbollogic symbolmatch-all symbolmath symbolmathematical symbolmetalogic symbolmnemonic symbolnonadmissible symbolnonblinking symbolnonterminal symbolnumeric symbolodd symboloperator symbolpartial derivative symbolphonemic symbolphonematic symbolpredefined process symbolpredicate symbolprocessing symbol

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  символ; знак; обозначениеsymbols for machine tools — условные обозначения для станковaiming symbolconcept symbolconventional symbolcutaway symboldrawing symbolsengineering symbolsfluid-power symbolsinput symbollogic symbollogical symboloutput symbolpictorial symbolsurface symbolsurface-finish symboltectonic symboltracking symboluser-defined symbolwarning symbol ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) символ, эмблема  2) обозначение, знак Syn: badge, device, emblem, hallmark, sign, token ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. символ, эмблема the dove is a symbol of peace —- голубь - это эмблема мира white is the - of purity —- белый цвет символизирует чистоту 2. знак, условное обозначение phonetic symbols —- фонетические знаки C is a symbol for carbon C —- это символ углерода 3. воен. знак различия ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) символ, эмблема 2) обозначение, знак – symbols IPC – classification symbol – congenial symbol – corporate symbol – functional symbol – heraldic symbol – identifying symbol – national symbol – nonverbal symbol – patent office symbol – status symbol – typographic symbol – verbal symbol – visual symbol – word symbol SYMBOL сущ. 1) символ, эмблема 2) обозначение • - ticker symbol Syn: sign, code ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) знак 2) обозначение 3) символ approximately equal symbol — знак "приблизительно равно" dollar sign symbol — обозначение доллара existential quantifier symbol — символ квантора существования greatest integer symbol — символ наибольшего целого числа main function symbol — главный функциональный символ norm residue symbol — символ норменного вычета partial derivative symbol — символ частной производной plus or minus symbol — знак "плюс-минус" power residue symbol — символ степенного вычета scope of logical symbol — область действия логического символа symbol of linear differential operator — символ линейного дифференциального оператора symbol of pseudodifferential operator — символ псевдодифференциального оператора symbol of virtual intersection — символ виртуального пересечения universal quantifier symbol — символ квантора универсальности - absolute symbol - admissible symbol - algebraic symbol - alphabetic symbol - alternating symbol - asymptotic symbol - autonymous symbol - auxiliary symbol - bar symbol - basic symbol - bicharacteristic symbol - bimultiplicative symbol - checking symbol - code symbol - combinatorial symbol - complete symbol - complex symbol - conjunction symbol - constant symbol - definable symbol - degenerating symbol - delta symbol - differentiation symbol - digital symbol - disjunction symbol - dotted symbol - dual symbol - eliminable symbol - elliptic symbol - empty symbol - equality symbol - erroneous symbol - falsehood symbol - formal symbol - function symbol - fundamental symbol - generalized symbol - graphic symbol - grouping symbol - identity symbol - improper symbol - incidence symbol - incomplete...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) символ; знак 2) идентификатор – auxiliary symbol – check symbol – data symbol – disruption symbol – reset symbol – start symbol – terminal symbol – tracking symbol ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  условный знак (напр. на карте) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) символ; знак; (мнемоническое) обозначение 2) вчт. идентификатор, имя - abstract symbol - basic symbol - check symbol - declared symbol - editing symbol - external symbol - flow-chart symbol - functional symbol - graphical symbol - graphic symbol - housekeeping symbol - illegal symbol - letter symbol - logical symbol - logic symbol - mnemonic symbol - nonterminal symbol - number symbol - primitive symbol - radar position symbol - root symbol - schematic symbol - sequence symbol - start symbol - terminal symbol - terminating symbol - undeclared symbol - undefined symbol - unit symbol - wire symbol ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thing conventionally regarded as typifying, representing, or recalling something, esp. an idea or quality (white is a symbol of purity). 2 a mark or character taken as the conventional sign of some object, idea, function, or process, e.g. the letters standing for the chemical elements or the characters in musical notation. --v.tr. (symbolled, symbolling; US symboled, symboling) symbolize. Derivatives symbology n. Etymology: ME f. L symbolum f. Gk sumbolon mark, token (as SYN-, ballo throw) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: in sense 1, from Late Latin ~um, from Late Greek ~on, from Greek, token, sign; in other senses from Latin ~um token, sign, ~, from Greek ~on, literally, token of identity verified by comparing its other half, from symballein to throw together, compare, from syn- + ballein to throw — more at devil  Date: 15th century  1. an authoritative summary of faith or doctrine ; creed  2. something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance; especially a visible sign of something invisible the lion is a ~ of courage  3. an arbitrary or conventional sign used in writing or printing relating to a particular field to represent operations, quantities, elements, relations, or qualities  4. an object or act representing something in the unconscious mind that has been repressed phallic ~s  5. an act, sound, or object having cultural significance and the capacity to excite or objectify a response  II. verb  (-boled or -bolled; -boling or -bolling)  Date: 1832 ~ize ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (symbols) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Something that is a symbol of a society or an aspect of life seems to represent it because it is very typical of it. To them, the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood... She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful symbol in last year’s election. N-COUNT: with supp 2. A symbol of something such as an idea is a shape or design that is used to represent it. I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength. N-COUNT: with supp 3. A symbol for an item in a calculation or scientific formula is a number, letter, or shape that represents that item. What’s the chemical symbol for mercury? N-COUNT 4. see also sex symbol, status symbol ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a picture or shape that has a particular meaning or represents an idea + of  (The dove is a symbol of peace.) 2 a letter, number, or sign that represents a sound, an amount, a chemical substance etc  (`0' is the symbol for zero.) 3 someone or something that people think of as representing a particular quality or idea  (Space exploration provides a symbol of national pride.)  (- see also sex symbol) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1434, "creed, summary, religious belief," from L. symbolum "creed, token, mark," from Gk. symbolon "token, watchword" (applied by Cyprian of Carthage to the Apostles' Creed, 3c.), from syn- "together" + stem of ballein "to throw." The sense evolution is from "throwing things together" to "contrasting" to "comparing" to "token used in comparisons to determine if something is genuine." Hence, "outward sign" of something. The meaning "something which stands for something else" first recorded 1590. Symbolism is 1892 as a movement in Fr. literature that aimed at representing ideas and emotions by indirect suggestion rather than direct expression; it attached symbolic meaning to certain objects, words, etc. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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